Happy Earth day to all and to the planet. Today is a wonderful day to begin new habits towards helping to reduce your carbon footprint and towards helping the earth and its inhabitants.
Here are some simple, easy earth day tips each of us can do. Remember no contribution is too small when it comes to the long haul we have to repair the earth.
Earth Day Tips
1. Air dry your hair – leave the blowdryer in the closet.
2. Flush less
3. Carry totes with you for groceries and other purchases.
4. Stop using plastic water bottles and start using reusable containers.
5. Eat a more plant-based diet.
6. Open the shades and let the natural light in.
7. Take shorter showers.
8. Double check that piece of paper you’re throwing out…it might still have room for a grocery list rather than using a new piece.
9. Go paperless and opt-in to not receive paper bills in the mail.
10. Turn off computers, tvs and light switches when not in use.
11. Supersize it – buy bigger containers of products. A gallon of water uses less plastic then individual smaller bottles equalling that amount.
12. Walk to work, the store or other destinations when you can leave the car at home.
13. Buy hybrid
14. Eat local
15. Carpool
16. Plant a tree
17. Plant a garden
18. Read a book instead of watching TV
19. Use cloth napkins instead of paper
20. Drink less soda – reducing the use of cans and bottles.
Are you a webmaster? You can transfer domains to Namecheap on Earth Day and a tree will be planted for each domain moved. (code: SAVETHEEARTH)
Be sure to check out our free earth day coloring pages.
And our Earth Day Coloring Book.
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