So today the space shuttle was set to land in New York City – it’s final destination where it will reside permanently at the Intrepid Museum on Manhattan’s west side.
But before settling in for it’s New York City stay, this little shuttle that could took a few victory laps around the sky. It first flew past my window and I grabbed for my camera. I had a friend who I knew was perched near JFK to take photos, but I did not expect the photo op that came my way. I managed to get this one decent shot –
I didnt know that it would not be my only chance for photographing this bird in flight – as not 10 minutes later it was flying back toward me in the opposite direction. LOL.
If you were lucky enough to work or live or be on the west side of the city you no doubt also got a view of the space shuttle piggy-backing on top of a jet.
But if you missed it – you can always visit the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum at the pier where this aviation icon will be on permanent display for all to see starting in June.
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