Every 4th Thursday in April for the past 20 years, boys and girls have been going to work with their parents or other family friends to explore different careers, see what it’s like to work all day and to get them excited about the value their education can have on their future.
Today, April 26, 2012 is the 20th anniversary of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work day. It was originally a day dedicated to young girls and was called, Take Our Daughters to Work day.
The day eventually became about all children – boys and girls.
This take your child to work day certificate can be printed out and completed by any child who spends the day at work with an adult:
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Here are some kids books about careers and/or going to work with a parent:
Orelda & Corelda on Wall Street
Piggy Nation A Day At Work With Dad
A Day with an Electrician (Hard Work)
A Day with a Doctor (Welcome Books: Hard Work)
To learn more about his official April holiday visit the official site at http://www.daughtersandsonstowork.org/wmspage.cfm?parm1=936
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